Within these walls
I can't hear anything
I can't see anything
I can't touch anything
I can't feel anything
Within these walls
I can't find the rhythm
That my body yearns for
It hungers and thirsts
To move through the cycles
Of the moon each month
To rise and fall with the sun
Each day and night
To find it's pulse
In the slow and constant churning
Of the earth beneath my feet
Without being able to feel and touch and see and hear
The universe that guides me
I am lost
If I live each day of my life
Within a set of walls
Physical wooden beams and sheetrock
The mental boundaries of my mind
My emotional protections from heartbreak
If I use all these walls
To hold life at arm's length
Am I even really alive
Can I learn how to live
Outside these walls
So I can finally hear and touch and feel
All that the universe holds for me
All that I'm meant to experience
So I can eventually be
Who I'm meant to be
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