Thursday, April 18, 2013

Pieces of a Puzzle

We dream and we hope
We search and we find
We imagine and believe
In the incomprehensible
In this universe infused through and through
With God-nature
Eternally exploding with light
And bursting forth with ecstatic joy

This universe that dances
In all shapes and sizes and directions
Of rotations and revolutions
Tilts and ellipses
Orbits and collisions
This universe that evolves
In spurts and phases and bursts
Of growth and decline
Ordering and entropy
Expansions and implosions

This universe composed
Of particles leaping through space and time
At the speed of light
And stars aging gracefully through the eons

Celestial objects massive and minute
Seemingly unattached to each other
Certainly not concerned with each other
Still find themselves
Inevitably drawn to each other
Gently tugged and nudged
Prodded and pulled
Into their destined roles in the cosmos
To be pieces of a puzzle
Composing this galactic work of art
This universe

And miraculously
We have been blessed to share
In this masterpiece
To catch glimpses and snatches
And little bits and pieces
Of the splendor of the universe

We are given eyes to see
And ears to hear
And hearts to feel
And minds to ponder
The irresistibly beautiful nature
Of every thing that surrounds us
And is, in the end
A part of us
Peering through the lenses
Of our microscopes and telescopes
Digging and searching
Through the mysteries of the past
Learning from the discoveries
Of the great minds of yesterday
And trying to paint a picture
Through our hopes and dreams
Of what we may discover tomorrow
We realize each step of the way
How inextricably entwined we are
With this dance
With this cosmos
With past, present and future
With the particles of our own bodies
And with stars so distant
We’ll never even catch a glimpse of them

Even those stars
Are connected to us
Are part of us
All pieces of the puzzle
That compose this masterpiece
And as witnesses to this work of art
We can declare with ceaseless joy
It is good
It is so infinitely good