Tuesday, May 31, 2011

At the Close of a Peaceful Day

Rippling white ribbons
Of seawater rolling in
To lap up cold and still,
Gray night sands-

The tall, proud
Lighthouse on the head
Taking another leisurely spin-

A dozen fishing boats
Spread across the expanse
From here to the horizon,
Twinkling and flashing
Like a family of shy fireflies,
Hiding, then peeking out
For a moment or two-

The last, lingering rays
Of the setting sun
Painting a golden green backdrop
For the ever-darkening clouds
That float effortlessly
Above an endless indigo sea-

And I stand here,
Take it all in,
Breathe a little deeper
Of the gentle salt sea air
On a mild and mellow
Night in May
At the close
Of a peaceful day.