Tuesday, January 7, 2020

As She Worships

As we watch everything around us
Breaking, crumbling, and burning to the ground
We cry for our Mother
Fear for her
Weep for her
And grieve what we believe we are losing

What we do not understand
Is that Mother is not the one
To be grieved for

The imminent death is our own

Mother looks upon us
As we steadily destroy ourselves
More quickly now than ever
She watches as she has watched
Every new age come and pass on again
She watches and waits
Until we inevitably end our own kind

Then, joyfully, she will wipe away
Every last trace of the ugliness
We scattered amongst ourselves
And carefully, thoroughly, perfectly
She will replace all of our filth
With her splendid and endless beauty
And our beautiful Mother
Will be pure again
As she worships and rejoices
In her celestial dance around the sun