Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Miraculous Exercise!

I guess to most people, exercise isn't a miracle, but to me it is. Seven years ago, my body stopped letting me exercise on a regular basis. I don't know what happened, but my body started shutting down, stopped working like a twenty-year old body is supposed to. And all this time since then, I've been searching for solutions to claim my strength, my energy, and my vitality back as my own.

I've tried so many different things to try to get my health back on track, and many of them worked temporarily. And then they stopped working, and things would go back to where they were before. Then I would try something new. So I've been to doctors, herbalists, and naturopaths. I've tried allergy treatments and eaten gluten-, dairy-, and egg-free. I've taken thyroid hormone and various vitamin and mineral supplements. At one point I was swallowing about twenty pills a day and still felt like crap.

Now I take one pill a day, and swallow some nasty, brown, herb concoction my acupuncturist mixes up himself.

One of the most important things my acupuncturist, David, has taught me about taking care of my body is that I have to let go. Worrying about my body and stressing about whether I'm doing the right or wrong thing is the worst way to take care of myself. So I'm learning to relax and not worry so much about whether I eat all the right foods or do my relaxation exercises every morning. I'm practicing letting the stresses of life roll off my shoulders instead of holding on to everything and trying to solve it all.

And I'm getting well. I'm feeling strong! My brain and my emotions and my muscles are all starting to work the way they're supposed to for someone my age. And miracles of all miracles, I'm exercising and enjoying it too!

1 comment:

  1. I have the same problem!!! I have had troubles with my health for the past couple of years, feeling like something is wrong but doctors can't see anything obvious... I have tried so many different things, but still feel crappy a lot of the time.
    I think you're right, that we just have to let go of the worry, and I've been working on that. It's still a struggle, always trying to eat healthy and exercise... but I'm glad you are feeling better! "Tough times never last but tough people do!"
