Friday, April 22, 2011

When I wait before the divine...

Sometimes I run into things that remind me just how helpless I am, just how little control I have over everything that is going on around me. No matter how hard I try, no matter how much I think about things and try to be wise and brave and good, there will always be problems I can't solve, people I can't help, debates I can't win.

And I really need those reminders, not to bring me down or make me feel like my life is falling apart, but rather because it is just those very situations that remind me why I have faith in something bigger than me. Because when I can't solve problems, that doesn't mean they aren't going to be solved. And when I don't know how help the people I love, that doesn't mean they won't find help. And when my words of wisdom just won't cut it, just don't seem to mean anything, I can turn off the words and wait before the divine, knowing that there is an infinite wisdom and knowledge and grace in the universe that will step in when I am willing to step out of the way.

God grant me the courage to step out of the way more often, in more ways, with greater trust in Your provision.

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